Haemorrhoids – a real pain in the ass!

Chronic Pain, Pain Management

I apologise for the title of this piece, but I truly feel there is no better way to describe this delightful little condition. It’s painful, it’s stressful and a massive inconvenience all round. Walking becomes painful, as does sitting, exercising feels like a no-go and even going to the toilet in peace starts to feel like an impossibility. 

Yep, haemorrhoids are the literal and metaphorical pain in the ass that about 50% of us will have to suffer by the time we get to 50. 

But what are haemorrhoids? What causes them? And most importantly, what can we do to keep the little ass invaders at bay? 

What are Haemorrhoids? 

According to Health Match, haemorrhoids are ‘swollen haemorrhoidal tissue in and around the anus.’ Strictly speaking, we all have haemorrhoids, they’re the ‘pillow-like clusters of veins that lie just beneath the mucus membranes lining the lowest part of the rectum and anus.’ The real problem starts when these veins become enlarged. 

Swollen tissue or enlarged veins can be caused by – you guessed it – constipation! Straining or sitting on the toilet for too long can impact the blood flow to these veins, causing said swelling and enlargement. Which, in turn, causes, pain, discomfort and more often than not, bleeding. Lovely stuff! 

Haemorrhoids can also be caused by pregnancy, with increased pressure from the uterus having a similar effect to constipation. 

And, lucky us, there are two types of haemorrhoids: internal and external. 

Internal haemorrhoids are inside the rectum and are usually painless, but may cause some light bleeding. External are the bad boys that hurt. These appear beneath the anus and can be incredibly itchy, painful and uncomfortable. 

But enough of the medical stuff – what we all want to know is, how the heck can we get rid of them? 

Haemorrhoid Treatment and Tips 

If your haemorrhoids have passed the ‘once-in-a-while-manageable-flare-up stage’ there are medical procedures you can have to get rid of them once and for all. These include: 

  • Band ligation 
  • Haemorrhoidectomy 
  • Haemorrhoidopexy 

Your doctor will be able to advise on which procedure may be best for your specific case. 

For those of you who haven’t quite tipped the scale that far yet, try this: 

  • Fibre – increase your fibre intake to make going to the toilet easier. The less straining, the better! 
  • Keep your body moving – physical activity helps with healthy bowel movements so try to incorporate a gentle walk or similar into your daily routine. 
  • A warm bath – this can help soothe the area and may help reduce inflammation in a flare-up situation. 

Failing that, pop in for an appointment with your GP who will be able to point you in the right direction. 

Chronic Pain Management with Rolling with the Glen 

Although haemorrhoids aren’t always a condition we associate with the term ‘chronic pain’, they have a very similar impact. They’re painful, for one, and they can also a have massive impact on your daily life and the activities you’re able to carry out. 

If you’re struggling to manage your chronic pain, haemorrhoids or otherwise, feel free to get in touch for some support or to discuss natural chronic pain treatments

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