Doing it every morning when I wake up, every evening after my tea, and sometimes even when I’m sleeping, is what works for me!
Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia over 13 years ago, I can truly tell you I would be a billionaire if I’d have been given £1 for everytime I heard someone say “this will take your pain away; try this, buy this and you’ll never have pain again!” Many of these people were ‘friends’, who I can say had never suffered much more than the odd headache themselves.
As a result, over the years I have tried many different things from conventional medicine alone, then with holistic therapies, holistic therapies alone, again with the meds. Even no meds at all for a time, all the while trying diet and nutrition programmes, tailored gym programmes, water therapies; the list is endless.
So in May 2019 when I met Elissa and I heard those very words “this will take your pain away” I thought “Yeah right, whatever!” However, me being the person I am, willing to give anything a go once with an open mind – you never know one day, just one day, that person may be telling you the truth, having worn the hat, the scarf, the gloves, and the t-shirt themselves. That day was about to happen, OK, fair enough it didn’t happen right away for me but when it did “WOW, WOW, WOW!!!”
My first time, as I sat there and listened to Elissa’s inspiring story, of how the ‘magic mat’ had helped her, and the science behind why it works, I found myself halfway through, sat there thinking to myself “What an absolute crock of shite, this is just another of those hyped up false promises!” because whilst all of the science behind the ‘why it works’ to reduce pain and increase energy made absolute sense, I just couldn’t understand how this thing, this mat, that I was sitting on could lead to the result I was hearing. I was moving a little better when I stood up; so was that a good sign or was I just a little more relaxed than earlier?
A few weeks later I came across Elissa at a networking event, sensing I was in a lot of pain (6-7/10) she offered me to take a seat on the ‘magic mat’ and she proceeded to press a couple of buttons as we sat and chatted away about my previous experience. I left that day around the 4 out of 10 mark – is there something in this?
Come July when my pain levels were through the roof as the steroid injection I’d had in April was wearing off, I remembered the ‘magic mat’. I booked in for a series of sessions on the ‘magic mat’ very much of the opinion that “if this is how it feels when the injection wears off then I won’t be having anymore if I can help it” – even though it did really help me for a good few months.
I arrived for my first of ten paid sessions at 6.30pm on Monday 22nd July 2019, leaving home at an 8/10. By the time I arrived tears were streaming down my face, I could barely straighten up and a distance with surroundings (things to put my hand out to when needed) I would normally leave my elbow crutch in the car but not today, not now. She sat me down, handed me a bottle of water as she pressed the buttons, I scored my pain a serious 10/10, the uncontrollable tears were enough to convince me, and we chatted for a bit until there was a beep. As she helped me up out of the chair and I began to move around she asked me to put a number to the pain, as I began to answer I noticed just how little pain I could now feel.
From 10/10 to 2-3/10 in 20 minutes, now that’s impressive!!
Even my hard to impress family were massively impressed when I returned home. Is there really something in this?
Day after day I returned and day after day there was more and more noticeable changes, not just the reduced levels of pain but my skin felt smoother and my eyes were much brighter.
By the end of August I had made my decision to purchase my own ‘magic mat’, by mid-September I was meeting with Dr. Ralph Burger and Patrik to complete the medical and other training required to become a Bemer Partner Practitioner to set up my own clinic and to share this amazing finding with everyone who is in chronic pain, so they too can live life to the full.
So just what is the ‘magic mat’ and what’s all this about doing it twice a day? Now there’s a question that I bet you would love to have answered….call me on 07396 491807 lets chat.